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Jumbo Egyptian Hatching Eggs
Party Box Hatching Eggs
Jumbo Brown Hatching Eggs
we are
Since my wife, Misty Judd, was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I have been working hard to build and grow my farm so that I would be able to spend more time at home taking care of my wife and my girls.
Up until 10/28/24 I was growing my business slowly with full anticipation Misty’s breast cancer was on the mend. However, on 10/28/24 we found that the breast cancer had metastasized and was now in her brain. From that moment on, growing my business has been my number one priority.
While I love my job as a paramedic, I want to be at home caring for my wife; not away from my home caring for others. I don’t know how much time I have left with her. We are praying for many more years together. She is the love of my life. My rock. And while I want nothing more than to grow old with her, the diagnosis is daunting. Honestly, I am scared to death. I don’t want to spend another day away from her. I want to cherish every moment.
You can help me reach my goal. First, please visit my business page Judd’s Quail and give the page a like/follow. Second, please ask your friends to visit my Facebook page and my website. This will help me grow my business, support my family, and keep me home so I can care for my wife as she bravely and boldly takes on this new battle. Thank you all for your love and support ~ Graham Judd